Just asking the question. If you don’t  believe in cables. Good for you. But if you do have you ever made a cable change that opened up your system to new heights. Just interested if you have or haven’t. If you don’t believe in cables this isn’t a thread for you. What are your thoughts ?


After buying the digital cable in this review, my system went from 2D to 3D. It became even more so when I went with a full loom of the same series of SR Atmosphere signal cables.

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Two days ago, I swapped positions of just two power cords that were already in my system. On a certain cut, a triangle went from the center of the sound stage to center left. After grounding the cable, the triangle went to the far outside on the left.

Had larger than expected differences with three different sets of Vandersteens over the years. They seem sensitive to different speaker cables. 

I feel like anything we purchase if we are Lucky Enough for all the equipment to Jell together to give Us a sound that makes your hearing happy.. And my wife has sat by me with all these changes and hears nothing what I hear ..And few friends come over and say sounds good & clear ...But knowing the cost oof this equipment they would rather listen to music in a Pizza Shop and get same value from a song...

Like me with Raven Audio and not leaving my home for all my listening between 3 Tube Amps ,their speakers 2 sets, all their cables other than USB Audioquest cable .

Should I have gone out and brought home some other amp or speakers maybe..But probably would have made me more confused as to what I hear..So I was lucky enough for Raven Equipment to Jell and share some sounds of songs that just make me smile at age 73...And really maybe their is a USB cable that does not cost 1700 for 800 ..But I will not know that for I am done my testing of 4 cables and just sitting back and enjoying the music... Not to say I may look for few tubes to see if I can make a change down the road .. My only complaint is the unit does not have a balance built in for I know my hearing left and right is not equal.And moving the speakers in living room is a pain at times..But bottom line you hear what You Hear and wife or other look at you like your nuts..Enjoy the Music..