My system is as follows:

  1. Martin Logan 11A Impressions hybrid electrostatic speakers.
  2. Bryston 4B3 cubed power amp 300 per channel into 8 and 500 into 4.
  3. Bryston BP-19 preamp, Chord Qutest Dac & Lumin U2 mini stream.
  4. SVS subs-pair of SB-4000
  5. I listen at 55-60 dbs. Can anybody recommend a speaker with a budget of $15,000.00 per pair that sounds alive and dynamic at low listening levels. My dealer sells, Totem, Triangle and Proac.
  6. Any recommendations would be appreciated. Due to age and ear issues I can listen comfortably at 55-60 dbs and not much louder. 
  7. Thanks in advance for any help that you can provide. 

Again, thank you for your responses. I have not disappeared from the site.

I respectfully asked for opinions from fellow members to guide me in improving my listening experience.  I read each member response. When someone asked me a question that I could answer, I did so.  By the way, it seems to me that after I upgrade my DAC , the next step would be to add an equalizer to boost certain frequencies to minimize the effects of the Fletcher Munson Curve. If that does not do the trick would consider a speaker upgrade.  It is difficult to obtain advice today from people that have no financial interest in their opinions. Thank you, again.


I thought about my post and realized it may have come off the wrong way.

I am truly sorry for your hearing issues and I honestly believe you would benefit more from headphones than speakers.

Best wishes.

Your ML 11A's are a fine loudspeaker but may not be everyone's cup of tea, so to speak.  Other forum members have accurately described the limitations of nearly every loudspeaker to deliver dynamic music at low listening levels attributable to the Fletcher Munson Curve.  You could try near field listening with the loudspeaker very close to your listening position.  No cost involved and it may just work.

Your choices are therefore limited to 1) Great set of Ear Speakers/Headphones with complimentary electronics 2) An altogether different loudspeaker.  There have been many good alternatives listed.  The Devore O/96 is one of that's been mentioned several times and may fit your needs very well.  An in-home audition would be a great starter.

Best of luck

I also use ML 11As and I find them engaging and enjoyable at the level you prefer, but I understand that everyone's ears and experiences are different. I have also experienced better results after installing a line conditioner, and it's pretty affordable too (Niagara 1200). 

thank you @elliottbnewcombjr for the information on the RLC-1, I have an older (at what point can something I purchased new be considered "vintage"?) preamp that never had remote capability and after all these years it would be nice to finally control the volume from my listening position.