Turntable upgrade

I would like to upgrade my TT setup. Right now it consists of a Rega P6 with an Ania cartridge and a Rega MC FONO phono amp. Rogue RP-1(which I plan to upgrade to a RP-5v2) and a Parasound 2125v2. My speakers are AV123 Strata Mini's. 
I believe I want to upgrade to the Rega P8 tonearm, platter and possibly the P8 motor and pulley. I really do not like the look of the P8 or 10. I think upgrading to the P8 motor and pulley might not be possible, but I’m wondering if the tone arm and platter would make a big difference? My listening room is moving from a 25 by 20 room to a 15 1/2 by 12 1/2 foot room. Which I’m looking forward to because the other room was so big everyone’s crap wound getting dumped there.

Thanks for any suggestions or comments


Flying under the radar here is George E. Merrill’s bespoke, built-to-order Polytable line (aka "GEM Dandy" -- get it?) George’s design philosophy overlaps with that of Rega’s Roy Gandy -- stiff, light-weight plinths, etc. -- and his tables punch far, far, above their weight class at a lower price than the high-end Regas.

I think you’re looking at $3-5000, including options like the outstanding external motor drive -- check out Mikey Fremer’s figures when he tested the speed control, specs comparable to those of 5- & 6-figure models -- and a Sorane or Acoustic Signature arm. George can also outfit a Polytable with one of the the newer "entry-level" DS Audio ES-3 optical cartridges (no need for a phonostage!). Cartridge plus obligatory equalizer add, I think, $2750, but they incorporate a lot of trickle-down from DS’s $50,000+ flagship. It looks like, as of last year, that optical cartridges have finally begun to mature and stabilize.

I’ve had a bottom-of-the-line PolyTable for about 5 years (originally recommended to me personally by Michael Fremer) and am about to upgrade it to a fully loaded version. But even my model is a heckuva lot like a Rega Planar 10. (George mightcontest that, asserting that the PolyTable is a better table in many ways, but I"m staying out of that one!) But I have to say that, other than cleaning up my power, upgrading from an older vintage table to even this low-end GEM Dandy, and even with a lower-cost arm, delivered the most dramatic sonic improvements to my system that didn’t involve a speaker upgrade. It really is a great, great turntable.

When you contact the company, George will speak with you directly (!) to discuss how you want to configure the table. It will then be built under his supervision to your specs.

Yeah, a table like this is not for everybody, but if you believe that it’s possible to build a lightweight, small-footprint turntable without compromise & if you value the opportunity to discuss a custom build with one of the most respected designers in the history of the business, then a HiFiGen table is worth at least considering.

I'm listening through a $19,000 T+A integrated amp and Harbeth speakers, with Analysis Plus Silver Apex phono cables.


+1 for George's PolyTable Signature & the Sutherland Transimpedance TZ Vibe for moving coil cartridges.  Or swing for the fences and (as mentioned previously) the DS Audio. George is a GEM!

Happy hunting

Get a better phono preamp. I have the Rega P6  Exact 2 with an Aesthetix Rhea Eclipse. Sound is very special 

I had  a P5 with its RB700 arm and first upgraded the arm to the one that comes with the P8, the RB880. Huge difference (already had the TT_PSU). Subsequently I upgraded the table itself and actually like the look of it, although I must say the improvement in sound is not nearly as much as upgrading the arm itself. I assume you have the RB330 arm on the P6, so I would start with the arm if you don't want to take the full plunge to the P8.

Also, in my experience, Rega's cartridges are not nearly as good a value as their arms and tables. Try a different cartridge/phono stage combo, remembering to stay on the lighter side of cartridges. FWIW I have a van den Hul MC One special with a Sutherland Insight with LPS. I am very happy and the stylus on the cartridge lasts an especially long time.

Just remember to make sure the table is well isolated from vibrations. I put mine on top of a Townshend seismic platform which sits on a wall mounted shelf. My floor is suspended over a crawl space, and the sound improvement from putting the table on top of the platform/shelf combo was a dramatic improvement.