Hey everybody,

Thought you might be interested in taking a look at the Stereo Times 2024 list of MOST WANTED COMPONENTS which was posted today. It contains both very reasonably priced and some uber-priced pieces of equipment.

Hope you enjoy, Teajay (Terry London)


Internet must be tragic for those with GPS. It’s like having lunch at an Indian buffet when you suffer from IBS.
What’s a beak dill if some one made a grammatical booboo. Have your pharmacist refill your fukitol prescription.

I enjoyed reading the Stereotimes list and had a good laugh from the QSA bit…those guys at QSA definitely have a good sense of humor.



bottom line: 

Sonically, the Ultra seems to put more “meat” on the bones, adding density, color, and weight to what is already a strikingly clean sonic picture. - AARDVARK ETHERNET ISOLATOR

Note that "most" 'gon members don't care one wit about silly, overpriced tweeks, and it's funny to me that when somebody notes the unclothed emperor in the room they're condemned as luddites or a negative Nancy. Balderdash! You wanna collect $5,000 fuses and let your expectation bias provide the blanket of comfort that you seem to crave, more power to ya! Cheaper than a therapist maybe...but otherwise laughable.



 I think you got confused way before that if you think you are providing a public service correcting spelling and grammatical errors on the internet. No one cares besides you.