I use Audirvana downloaded on a laptop, which bypasses the internals of the laptop using Qobuz. Out USB to a DAC.
Audirvana then has an app downloaded to a tablet or a phone that is a visual remote control for the music. Works perfectly.
Help streaming Qobuz through Macbook Pro
Okay, I’m just starting my streaming adventure and I’ve spent days down the rabbit hole. I’m using Qobuz from my iPhone to my MacBook Pro laptop, which is connected to a Mytek Liberty DAC, which is connected to my Plinius 8200 integrated amp. It took some doing but it plays and really enjoying Qobuz. My question is: how can I be sure (other than by listening) that the Qobuz high-resolution resolution files are playing at the highest resolution per Qobuz? I am using Airplay but I keep reading it doesn’t handle files higher than CD resolution. Then I also read where using an external DAC enables the files to play at up to 24/192 (or whatever the original resolution is). I’m really only interested in streaming if I can do it with high -resolution. Any insights/suggestions/clarifications to help me burrow out of this hole is appreciated. Thanks