RCA Interconnect recommendations

I'm looking for a new set of interconnects and need recommendations.  I'm running a Rega P3 (with Exact and Neo PSU) and a Sonic Frontiers SFL-1.  In between, I will be adding a Darlington MM7B, which is on order.  I was using an old pair of Cardas Ultralink 5C interconnects but find them a bit muddled.  I also have a pair of Audioquest Red River interconnects and they're very bright.  Any suggestions for something that's musical, clear and detailed, with good bass response?  


Go,to Blue Cables spend $40 on interconnects and I bet you can hear the difference with 1000$ cables…

Here’s a pair of Acoustic Zen Matrix II interconnects for $300 that cost $920 new, and they should strike a nice balance as they’re very natural sounding and neither bright nor veiled. If they don’t work out for some reason you could easily sell them for little/no loss so very little risk.

If you’re looking new these Ice Age interconnects use high quality copper and are cryogenically treated and are well within your budget, and I believe they offer a good trial period.

A couple months back I bought some real expensive cables from a well known cable company, he is a one man band and makes the cables does all that nitrogen thing breaks them in for a couple days.a one meter rca interconnect was 600$…this guy is very well known…wont mention the company dont want to get sued..lol

Did a blind test with lots of people they could not tell the difference between the $40 Blue Jean cables..

my system is Pass Labs pre and amps..Denafrips Dac and New Ontech Dac

‘Volti audio speakers they have a awesome midrange horn everything comes through..

the guy was very gracious and took them back, if you do buy expensive make sure there is a return policy

There is one you might consider.
Pure silver in Teflon ultra low capacitance and reasonably priced.
Both users and reviewers have given it high marks and several reviewers,
rather than keeping the review samples, kept them and bought them for themselves: https://silversolids.com/revbuysB.html
Stager Silver Solids - 30 day unconditional satisfaction guarantee.


Another vote for Blue Jeans cable.  Not sure if you’re in the US but they’re based in Seattle.  Also Pine Tree Audio in Fitchburg, MA.  Have cables from both.  Great cables reasonably priced with great customer service if you have questions before and/or after buying.  They can customize based on what you’re looking for including usually making to a specific length.