Linn LP12 turntable

I was in my favorite audio store yesterday talking turntables… Rega P10, MoFi MasterDeck etc, when he stated he had a Linn LP12 he was selling for a customer at $2,400 & the customer had $14K (with upgrades) into it. Intriguing, but knew nothing about Linn. After my research, people seem to love it or hate it. But it is installed in many fine audiogon systems. 
I would like your thoughts and recommendations. 
I have asked the following questions of the dealer: 

1. Date of production 

2. Upgrades that have been added 

3. Power supply / tone arm

4. Condition 

5. Recently serviced

I have not yet seen it, but it is there now. What other questions should I ask?

My current analog system: 

Pro-ject 1xpression carbon classic with Hana ML

Rega Aria

PS Audio BHK pre

Simaudio Moon 330A amp

KEF R11’s

Advise would be greatly appreciated. 


….yawn…1978 left a lot to be desired… But the Linn is a worthwhile pursuit, especially IF you need a spring suspension…

I suspect that IF Grace was still building a 707… it might advance a bit… other than NOS tubes, who really wants an audio company not focused on continuous improvement… especially improvements that can be retrofitted to products from…. 1978.

So nice the previous owner purchased many…

PS a 707 was never the equal of even the most Basik ( that is a test and a joke ) of Linn arms… 

The Rega are good TT…

enjoy the music

I owned an LP12 and loved it, still miss the sound of it. However the LP12 must be “tuned or set up properly” to be fully enjoyed. I had issues with footfall and the LP12 is very susceptible to environmental influence. However is you have a very solid floor or it will be placed on a concrete floor by all means look into it. I actually traded in on the Rega RP10, prior to current model. I am very happy with it but still miss the delicate detail of the LP12. If you do purchase the LP12, please write down the following for any future “tune ups” as this guy is the best. I say that not out comparisons with other dealers, but experience and watching him do the actual set up. His attention to detail is on a parallel of watching a fine watch maker, precision is job 1. He does numberous set ups for customers around the country and will return ship the finished product. Contact Rick Duplisea at in Fort Collins Colorado. If you don’t have the box, he will sell and ship you one to properly package it for shipping. Good luck if you buy one as I am sure you will love it.

Everyone should own a Linn at one time during their audio journey. 

Hopefully @daveyf  will chime in as he knows a lot about the LP12 and the upgrades available. 

Thanks everyone. Some answers came back on age and condition:

DOM: early 2000’s

Upgrades: New trampoline, tone arm, newer motors control board

Power supply / tone arm: I don’t honestly remember, but I’ll get the answer.

Condition: Spectacular condition in my opinion

Recently serviced: Steve did the motor control board(primary service requirement) literally 3 weeks ago when the client decided to sell.

Looks like my local dealer has been performing the service

Why selling: Upgraded to VPI Avenger with 2 12” Fatboy tone arms. One with a Hana Umami Red, one with a Clear Audio Charisma Moving Magnet. All in it was around $22,000

Are there any other upgrades that are missing?

Other than the retro look (not a fan… looks like my old Dual 1229)… this TT looks like a fun buy.

@theo The TT will be installed in a second floor room (bonus room). I have had very limited issues with foot falls with my current setup.
Not looking to be more susceptible to foot falls. Will I be?  
Not sure what ‘environmental influence’ is. 
@tomic601 Don’t think I need a spring suspension, but it certainly has one. Not sure if that is good or bad… probably bad as I don’t know of a modern table that has that design.