Thanks again everyone. Great information, particularly on upgrade costs and upgrade recommendations. The included upgrades named were provided by the salesman (actually the store manager), about midnight on Saturday by memory, probably over a glass of wine or two.
Will be able to get more information on Tuesday when they reopen and I can see it and perhaps from the TT owner. I do believe they will allow a trial.
I looked at the various upgrades:
Trampoline - $317 included
Tone Arm? - Akito $2880 Arko $4550 Ekos $6324 which one was added?
Newer motors control board - not sure what this is… psu motor?
Karousal bearing? $1,130 I would think included, but will find out
Power supply? Lingo PS $2,200 Will find out
Kore sub chassis? $1,395 Will find out.
Will also find if is post 2010… probably not, but possible.
If the recommended upgrades are included, I think this is a no brainer. If not and the price + upgrades gets in the P10 range, I will probably go that route. Thank you again.