Would Totem Arro's be a significant upgrade from Kef Q150's

My listening room is on the long/narrow side 8' x 18' x 8' high. Therefore I listen in the nearfield, speakers (Kef Q150's) are 5' apart and myself 7' away from them. I very much enjoy the sound I'm getting from them. My setup is Yamaha A-S501 with chromecast audio going into the optical input, streaming Spotify premium. My speakers are 2' away from the rear wall and I find the bass is plentiful that I don't use a sub woofer. I have the opportunity to purchase a pair of used Totem Arro's which would work in my room as far as tower speakers are concerned. I am quite happy with the sound I'm hearing now, but if this would be a significant improvement I would purchase the Arro's and sell my Kef's. Type of music I listen to is a lot of acoustical, alternative/indie, a little classic rock.  

@immatthewj I know nothing about the Voltis. As you know, I treat my OCD with silly projects like this https://speakerchoices.com/ maybe it can help you. 

I think any 2-way small-ish speakers will have limitations. I have been successful with subs and lucked out with speakers and I know it's very personal, so the more I know the more I would keep my mouth shut. But if I couldn't I would suggest that you are a British speaker person.


@grislybutter , I seem to be in a place in life where my short periods of happiness are followed by longer periods of apathy or even discontent that my initial impulse is to attempt to spend my way out of. Possibly it will pass.  BTW, thanks for the link--I have visited it before.  

Actually, @deep_333 , if I am reading the product description correctly, at $2200 a pair (?) they would be half the price of the M126be’s.

On edit: oops, I guess not, apparently that wasn't the pair price after all.

What??? That lil Revel Lackluster-Be was 4400 per pair?????? (facepalm)Thought it was 2200/pair. Harman PhD appears to have robbed you @immatthewj  He is still paying back his student loans w/interest maybe.

That tekton epic 15 is $2200/pair, shipping included and will beat the living daylights out of Lackluster-Be. 

Good luck.


@immatthewj my period of apathy is at least until 2028. There is no way I could spend my way out of it cheeky

What??? That lil Revel Lackluster-Be was 4400 per pair??????

@deep_333    when I bought them MD and Uncle Kevin were marking them down to 3k.  They have both priced them back up to $4400.

That tekton epic 15 is $2200/pair,

Oh, okay.  When I clicked on 'two' I was clicking two pair.