they decided to go ahead and tax you if you made a profit, even it it was just luck.
The government has no way to know if a PayPal user is a business or not. If they did not do it like this, then every business would just say they are not a business, just a hobby, and pay no taxes. As others have said, simply state you sold at a loss and move on.
But since they aren’t letting you use losses to offset income, they may not let you use losses to offset gains made through other sales.
The gain or loss is not for a single item, it is the total for the year. It is that way for a business, it is that way for capital gains, it is that way for buying and selling anything whether you are a business or not, it is that way for this.
The difference between a hobby and a business is, if you lose money on a hobby, you can’t use that loss to offset other income.