Can Mac/PC compete with High End CDT??

Dear All,

I want to believe (do you?) that the Mac or PC approach can work, at least be good enough. Being that my prime source is analog digital music is secondary but at the same time compulsory for recent and actual recordings.

Reading reviews and opinions floating around online I was curious to hear for myself in a high end system, a sort of A/B singular test was needed; away from commercial pressures and inexperienced ears.

Full of great expectation I head to a fellow audiophile's den, both of us motivated to get to the bottom of this question ourselves.

So we got ourselves organized and ended up with a promising menu: Esoteric P0, Weiss Dac 2 D/A converter, Mac with Amara/iTunes then Kondo Dac with the Esoteric P0 and then Weiss Dac 2 D/A converter using fire wire interface from Mac/Amara/itunes via the Kondo DAC.

All the “virtual music” was obviously uncompressed format.

Preamp Absolare, amp New Audio Frontiers Ref 845 and Acapella Triolon Excalibur and some very good cables.

Being used to the sound of Kondo electronics and Goto horns that furnish my listening room, fed by micro seiki SX8000, CEC TL0x Cd transport at 1st I must say that I was disappointed with the sound that the P0 was delivering via the Weiss Dac.

I will not be long-winded here: this was not good. The sound seemed broken, out of pace, lousy trebles, one-dimensional bass and very nasal voices.

The resolution of the electronics and speakers told the cruel truth in this 70m² dedicated listening room. No fine-tuning I have ever encountered could solve this even with the widest stretch of imagination.

So the Mac/Amara/iTunes? Okay no gain no pain! Here it was no pain all gain, I mean, it sounded the same including the flaws but with the added advantage of mac based music selection as opposed to cd loading. This seemed promising, made me jump to the conclusion that the culprit was the Weiss DAC, not the fire wire interface.

So in goes the Kondo DAC driven by the P0, okay! I will lack vocabulary here it is truly amazing. My host and I within the 1st seconds looked at each other, not even in the listening seats, we agreed with each other without saying a word! Then we let the CDs play on, simple as that!

We kind of played around here knowing deep down that the next step was the “juge de paix” (for those who don’t master French that is “peace judgment”).

So we wired the Weiss Firewire/spdif interface to the Kondo Dac using the Mac/Almara/iTunes.

As it stands I had spoken to Daniel Weiss (owner/designer of Weiss Audio) a few days before and he explained to me that CD transport and Mac/PC was fundamentally the same thing; delivering 0 and 1 and the interface was just passing those 0s and 1s to the DAC.

So? I may have to repeat myself here : The sound seemed broken, out of pace, lousy trebles, one dimensional bass and very nasal voices.

The Kondo DAC was telling us all about the sources. I walk way from this with knowing that Mac/PC is not ready to replace a CD transport in high end system dedicated to experiencing music and all the emotional treasures that it has in store for us to enjoy.

So what does this mean? I think that in certain preamp/amp speaker combinations the hard disk be it mac or PC may work and certain reviewers will confirm this. However, if that system resolution comes to change, that its goes up the ladder, then the flaws in this approach will become apparent.

It would be advisable to ascertain your future with music and the associated audio equipment before marching towards the immaterial virtual music world.

Well a good friend of mine who hides in the shadows of the Bavarian landscape warned that no hard disk system could compete with the better CD transports, he is perfectly correct!

Tbg, is your experience based on special chains you compared, for instance with the same DACs?
Thuchan - I cannot understand how Mini Disks could be superior with it's smaller media and compressed format.

"One company claims they will stop producing CD-players - it is a kind of marketing campaign, isn`t it?"

Marketing campaign of what? Linn stopped making CDs and perkaps CDPs but only because market is poor, but as far as I know, they don't manufacture hard drives, computers or servers.

One comment related a little bit to the subject. Hard drive + DACs allows to play formats better than 16bit/44.1kHz becoming safer investment. There were attempts to make better CDs (SACD, HDCD, DVD-A) but in my opinion they failed. They failed for the same reason Beta, Minidisk, Zip drives and many others failed - greed. Iomega for instance had incredible chance to make Zip a standard in every computer (Dell was installing already). Instead of propagating their media at low prices they charged in order of $10 per disk and were suing everybody who made them cheaper. Sony did not learn from "Beta" failure and killed MiniDisk - standard perfect for car or laptop storage because of high licensing fees. Mentioned Linn was selling SACDs for over $30. SACD prices went down a lot but it is too late - they killed SACD and CD standard. If they would start with normal prices in order of <$5 most of people would not bother with downloads (plus you get booklet and box).
I have tested my Mac Mini music server system (with the latest version of iTunes) and it is BIT PERFECT.

Now having said that... you MUST not have anything in iTunes doing anything to the sound i.e., you can not use iTunes for volume control, you can not use the sound enhance, you can not use the EQ...etc.

It is as good or better than any of my former ref transports including the Wadia 7 and the Levinson 31.5. I use it with a Bidat (with Plus Mod) and the MSB Power DAC and soon to be the MSB Platinum DAC IV.

I download 24/96 from HDTracks and then convert to AIFF using MAX (a free and superb file convert utility) which upon completion automatically adds the content to my iTunes library.

OH... before some smarty pants asks :) How do I know it is bit perfect? Because the MSB Dac allows one to load the DSP based filter with new coefficients via sound .WAV files one can obtain on their site. If your' CD player or music server does not pass a BIT PERFECT signal to the DAC, it will emit a short burst of sound, if it is bit perfect... no sound is emitted and the filter is loaded. I have experimented and found that iTunes will pass BIT PERFECT sound when the above precautions are followed. I will put my mac mini with a glass (real glass) TOS up against ANY transport extant, and I have put it up against some serious hardware, with some gear matching it, but none surpassing it.

The sound is SUBLIME!!! Hope this helps.
Kijanki, you´re right. No one agrees today (!) on that Mini Discs sound better than CDs. But there were some forces who tried to push the format doing like I described. But let`s forget about this - it is history. You are describing the failed Sony strategy very well.

In the case of Linn I cannot understand what they are aiming at right now having gained a nice position in CD and SACD support. If you are watching the used High-End market on CD players and on CD drives it`s a lot of turnover right now. Many people seem to buy Top CD players. The final platoon? Don`t think so.
Thuchan, my experience is comparing music from the SSD in my Mac Powerbook Pro versus from my Western Digital HD connected to my Powerbook. The same Minerva was used for both. I have heard that single cell SSDs sound better than multiple SSDs find they are too expensive for my blood.

I did connect the WD drive both by USB2 and Firewire 800. The Firewire was sonically superior.