Crimping Furutech FP203R spades

Hi All,
Quick question; Have any of you crimped Furutech FP203(R) spades, what did you use for a crimping tool?
Thanks for any input, these are very nice spades, heavy duty! My Klein rachet crimpers are no match for the FP203(R) spades.

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Same answer as in June of 2020. It looks like the link from then expired but this is the same tool I linked previously and still use, and it is not too expensive. Amazon has quite a few different models here. Still using with those crimped FP203 spades, for probably around 10 years now, and and they still holding up just fine.  However, I wouldn't argue with soldering them.

Belt and suspenders; a simple battery cable lugging tool - Anchor sells one - u use a hammer. Advise a bit of silver contact enhancer and solder.

Also… i believe as many ( but not all ) that lower mass spades sound better and w reasonable binding post pressure will result in a gas tight connection…
