Dynaudio Confidence 20- Owners Thoughts?

Hi All,

I have purchased some Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers as an end-game speaker and have not been able to listen to them yet; a huge leap of faith, I know. I have a Bryston 4B SST amp to power the speakers. Speakers will be played in a 13x14x8 room. They will be replacing some Duntech PCL 25 and Maggie LRS speakers. I have a HSU USL 15 mk2 sub that I use with current speakers. I listen to female vocalists, folk, jazz, blues, and some rock.

I have read everything I could find about the confidence 20 but cannot find much information from actual owners.

What are your thoughts on these speakers? How do they image? What do you feel are their strengths/weaknesses?

I am hoping they will sound very natural, present solid "singer in the room" images, and provide an emotional connection to the music. I do understand that the room, associated gear, and personal preferences will affect these factors.

Any thoughts any how these speakers have sounded in your experience would be very much appreciated.

Happy listening!

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I have been extremely happy with my Confidence 20s which I purchased last October as my “end game” speakers.  I have mine paired with a Luxman 509Z integrated which I purchased at the same time. My dealer recommended 500 hours of break in and I definitely noticed a huge improvement at about 300 hours. IMO they have excellent imaging, soundstage and bass for a stand mounts. These speakers work well in my confined listening space, a 6 foot near field setup. My only complaint is their limitations as stand mounts and I plan on adding a pair of REL T5/x subs in the near future.

Im glad your showing us all the competition to the c20....but this post is about the dynaudio c20 not what you think is better ..do your own post and stop stepping all over this one bud.