Be aware of a scam!

This happened outside of Audiogon, however I thought I'd share so other people won't get scammed.
It looks like a scam plot where bad guys post desirable HiFi gear for sale at various classified sites with cheap prices. Once you contact them they will tell you some BS that they need money and offer you escrow service to deliver the item, in my case some transportation company in Spain. The escrow service require full payment upfront and claim to be an intermediary between seller and buyer. In my case the guy introduced himself as Robert Szekeres ( He sent me the link to the escrow service company in Spain [url][/url]. The site looks legit except when I checked deeper it was created a couple months ago out of Reykjavik.
So needless to say I backed out of the deal.
Be vigilant people!


Thanks for the heads up.  Reinforces being careful when purchasing online.  I use PayPal or Venmo when buying and selling online so there’s recourse if there’s any issues.  

Yes, thanks for the notice.  

I agree w @bassbuyer regarding using a payment service that includes buyer protection.  Of course this means PayPal, and NOT PayPal Friends and Family.

I suggest, than in addition to Amps/Preamps, Speakers, Digital, etc. that someone create a 'SCAMS' topic.  (unfortunately, I do not know how...).  It could be very informative... I have a few stories to share ;-)

I have used an arrangement where a lawyer (who is subject to professional standards) is given the purchase money  to be held in escrow until the piece of gear shows up and is unboxed and inspected.  It was easier for me as I was also a lawyer and used another one in the same office and had the goods shipped to our office but if you have a  lawyer who is willing to hold the funds on appropriate undertakings that does work.  If the gear had proven to be bad/broken/nonfunctional, I would have had to prove to the escrow holder that I had shipped it back to the seller before he could release the money (shipping cost  to me and the balance to the seller).

Good luck, there are Scammers every where...becareful. Just think before you act...