Redbook CDP under $1,000 used

I need a CDP for my office system, to replace my APL Denon 3900 tube CDP, since the latter is is so good that I brought it home. Anything around that has the same airiness, musicality and detail for under $1K, used? Suggestions welcome.
Thanks for all your help. I bought the Marantz SA11S1 - I defy anyone to find a better player for $1200 (used). It is spectacular! Particularly on SACD, but no slouch on redbook. I may trade down my other expensive CDPs!
Springbok, did you manage to audition both the Marantz and the Sony 5400ES? If so, I'd like to get your thoughts on how the two compared, and why you chose the Marantz.

Find a used Raysonic CD-128 or get a new OPPO Special Edition Blue Ray player. Nothing comes close at less than $1000. In fact you have to spend much more to beat both.

I have used quite a few.