For Tube Folks...

Hi All,

I am rather new to tube gear and recently purchased a 'NOS' GE 6550 Power Tube


A. It was advertised as:  "New old stock in original or OEM box. A nice USA tube that will outperform any current production 6550 made. An excellent lot, matched to within 5 percent and then aged in a hi-fi shop demo unit. Very low hours, burn-in time only, and the performance has been verified by us..."

B. The seller also sells used GE6550 tubes that are advertised as: "Light use, tested good with good match, and white box..."


The large black spot on the glass where it GE is etched makes wonder how many hours of usage this tube has seen...

My question -  Within reasonable certainty, is this tube is NOS or is it USED?  

Thanks in advance for any clarity.



Ag insider logo xs@2xinagroove

In the '90s I had a couple of amps that used 6550s and I remember Cary was putting them out with and selling replacement Svetlantas (first the Bs and then Cs).  I bought eight Tung Sol 6550s that were theoretically NOS from Andy in Michigan and they cost what I considered back than to be  an arm an a leg, but they really didn't do anything that I thought was way better than the Svetlantas that I had been using.   

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viridian, alright, I got you.

In any case, I don't enjoy throwing out $120 tube after a few months.

I have modest resources and can't afford $300-$450 a piece NOS Mullards. Tube Depot sells them with 90 days warranty.

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