Sony XA5400ES vs XA9000ES

Has anyone heard both of these players and if so what is the difference between them? I heard the 9000 in my buddies system and it sounds wonderful. Is the 5400 better?
Ag insider logo xs@2xsamzx12
I never heard the xa9000es but I had a Sony scd-1 and it was terrible on redbook cd compared to the Sony xa5400es. I guess if you have never heard a good cdp you might think it was good.
Samzx12, Yes , I thought the CD portion of the Sony XA9000ES was really bad.
At the time, I had a Meridian 508.24 player to compare it to. I also had several other inexpensive Sony's that had a better sound than the XA9000ES.
I think there was reviews that said about the same thing.

Though I liked the SACD portion of the XA9000ES, I didnt have enough SACD's at the time to warrant purchasing it just for that.
Funny you say that Ozzy because I always thought the Redbook was rated very high. Its Stereophile Class A rated and not only for Redbook. I know its a matter of choice but I was not aware the redbook was not up to par. From what I have heard its quite good.

I started this thread because I am interested in both and wanted to know if the 5400 was quite a bit better on Redbook than the 9000. When I 1st heard the 9000 at my buddies house I was amazed at the smoothness almost analog sound. There was alot of air to it and I told him to buy it because as it was on loan to him. He did and really likes it.
All I can say is if someone left me the XA9000ES in there will, I would sell it ASAP.

We all have our opinions and perhaps with your buddies equipment and room it sounded better than at my place.
I replied to your posting because I thought you were looking for actual experience.
Albeit I have no experinece comparing it to the newer XA5400ES model.

I would think the newer model XA5400ES would come with perhaps a money back time period. If so, then compare it to your buddies.

Good Luck.