Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.

Today is February 4th, 2025. So today marks 42 years since Karen Carpenter passed away. This is a sad time, but a very good time to listen to her most beautiful voice and look at some of your favorite pictures of Karen. Personally, I look at Karen's eyes, they melt my heart!


I vaguely remember watching a documentary about the group, and I kind of remember getting the impression that her relationship with her brother could have been healthier.  But who knows.


"But it seems to me that Carpenters is excellent audiophile material."


Have you picked up the 2018 release: "Carpenters with the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra?"

If not, you need to because both the sound quality and the subtly enhanced orchestration will probably stun you with how much better that it sounds; and, the original recordings were quite good to begin with!

I can admit that a a teenager back in the 1970s I would have scoffed at the music of Karen Carpenter. And I did (my parents had a few Carpenters albums, and I'm sure I rolled my eyes every time they played one).

I can also admit that I was VERY wrong on most of her stuff. She had a magnificent voice and tremendous talent. Hell of a drummer as well.