I'm no expert but...considering that many on this forum will recommend listening to digital sources via a dedicated DAC & Streamer vs. an off-the-shelf laptop because the dedicated audio units are designed to minimize signal processing steps and interference pathways. While you can call BS on whether or not they actually have "enhanced memory" chips and single-step CPUs, I imagine what they're trying to market is that the hardware & OS have been optimized to eliminate signal and processing interference by eliminating extraneous processing requirements for the hardware components. If you're Streaming / DAC box only processes digital information and sends that same data packet out (vs. a laptop or desktop that has to run the bloated OS processes on top of whatever software processes the box is running) then it would stand to reason the components have been "enhanced" by eliminating the extraneous OS/Software and hardware burdens.
Does that mean they've designed and fab'd their own CPUs and RAMs to achieve this? Pretty sure the answer is no. It's great marketing though! Imagine trying to convince people that instead of using their laptop, the component manufacturer said it manufactured a stripped-down computer box for you to stream from and used off-the-shelf components they bought off NewEgg.com without designing it for hi-fi use would you buy it?
We all know Hi-fi manufacturers have to justify the new improvements even though most of that is just ad copy jargon written to make minor circuit design improvements sound better than just saying, we swapped parts.
But then again, maybe these guys did find a fab center that would do custom chips and flash memory runs for them.