Things we cannot be bothered by anymore

Occurred to me today that I have dropped stuff that I cannot just be bothered by anymore, and wondering what some of you out there have let go of as well 

Me (lean mostly into analog)

- Lifting a tonearm lever to cue a platter - no more - years off my life

- Carbon brushes, cart cleans with every spin or two - years off my life

- Ugly racks that look like ones I had in 10th grade, though cost 20x more - out 

- Listening at low volume levels to gauge audiophile purity

- A/B'ing streaming platforms 

Finale - $50 audiophile pressings "remastered from the original master tapes" that sound like sanitized cheese spread - magic gone, warped, drop-outed, bubbled, and gain-whacked (there are exceptions for sure)


How about you? 








At this stage in my life I do not allow anything to bother me.  I focus on what I can control, which is self.  That which is beyond my control is not relevant. 

"HEY, KIDZ!  Get off on whatever it is you're try to get off on elsewhere!"

(....the subs kick in, the frequency going subsonic....the dispersing crowd suddenly drops into crouches' as convulsive defecation begins.....)

...yeah....pretty vicious....;)


Should I add listening to blowhards claiming perfected hearing after 40 odd years in an opera house and or types boasting of disposable cash. Of course their speakers to tweaks are the prettiest and best that with which they’ll push onto anybody that’ll listen. This was fun.. cheers ! 

I can't be bothered with silly things like listening to music in any way/format. I just want to read/talk about all the marvelous equipment to achieve Nirvana for music listening; specially if the equipment is over $100,000.