PS Audio III Cullen Modified or Wavelength Proton

Would like to purchase first DAC to improve audio from PS3 and computer lossless files. Which of these two, PS Audio Datalink III Cullen modified or Wvelength Proton, would you recommend. Price range around $900 to $1200.
It so funny when you ask a specific question, and get an unrelated answer!
I can't comment on the Proton, but I recently got the Cullen modified Datalink III, and I couldn't be happier, very audible improvement over everything I've tried in the past.
OK, then I will be more specific, I have owned the Cullen modded PS Audio and found that it was not in any way in the same league sonically as the the two units I mentioned above, especially when considering cost.

I have not had the Wavelength in my system, but have heard it and thought it was OK.

The MHDT is one of the few real "Giant Killers" I have every heard, and the Bryston is in many ways the best DAC you can buy at any price.