If you want really well matched output tubes you need to burn them in for awhile and retest. They will drift around a bit when they are new.
Referring to what @john_tracy typed above, the second time I retubed my V12 I went with a couple of sextets of EL34s that Jim McShane sold me. It took a while to get them, and every couple of days he would send me an email telling me how the matching was going. I think that was sometime in '20. I set the bias and for the longest time it stayed where I set it on both sides.
On the other hand, the first time I retubed that amp in 2018, I bought two sex tets from Viva and they arrived quite quickly. So I don't know if they keep a lot of tubes properly burned in and matched, or if they don't put the time into matching them that Jim did. I do remember the biases doing some goofy things with that batch of tubes.