Directional wires/cables

Is there any reason to support the idea that cables, interconnects or any other kind of wiring can be considered directional? It seems that the theory is that carrying current will alter the molecular structure of the wire. I can't find anything that supports this other than in the case of extreme temperature variation. Cryo seems to be a common treatment for wire nowadays. Extreme heat would do something as well, just nothing favorable. No idea if cryo treatment works but who knows. Back to the question, can using the wires in one direction or another actually affect it's performance? Thanks for any thoughts. I do abide by the arrows when I have them. I "mostly" follow directions but I have pondered over this one every time I hook up  a pair.


The cargo cultist is still posting - that is you, @rodman99999

At that moment he realized: if he tried to explain what he was learning, there was no way his dad could understand.

This seems to be the situation indeed. You keep posting things that you don’t understand, and no matter how much I or others try to explain to you that things aren’t how you think they are, you simply cannot understand.#

This Dunning-Kruger exemplar

That would be you, again. Ad hominem does not make you smarter or even seem smarter.

Please - inform yourself before digging yourself further into the solid rock that you have reached 5 posts ago. I will no longer reply to your nonsense posts, here or anywhere else on this forum. Take care.

@dlevi67 ,

You've not been on here long enough to know that those incredibly long winded repetitive posts are his standard go to whenever this subject comes up. 




I will no longer reply to your nonsense posts, here or anywhere else on this forum. Take care.

                                         Don't blame you, one bit!

           You've nothing with which to counter, but: your ignorance of of Physics.

                                               Happy listening!

@jea48 Honestly, one of the best and easiest-to-follow physics-level (rather than engineering-level) explanation of how an electric signal travels through a cable is the one by Veritasium that I linked above. Here it is again.

Derek discusses the case of a very simple circuit (a battery, a switch and a ’load’ which could be a lightbulb), but it’s easy to see how the exact same physical mechanisms are acting on a complex, variable signal (’music’), and why lumped element models are used to simplify the representation... to the point where they can over-simplify it!

To keep things more or less on topic (directionality of cables), to my mind this also shows why - in the absence of asymmetries in cable construction - the argument for cable directionality with quasi-periodic, alternating signals is a very hard one to support scientifically.

@thecarpathian Thanks for the info. I'm glad to know I'm not the only victim of random ramblings. 😉

Best wishes!