Which is the better player Cary 306/200 or 303/300

Looking for a new CDP and thought someone would have some input on comparing both of these units.
I am also considering a Raysonic 168. Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!
I'm not sure. It was a few years ago now. It was a 306/200 and as I remember it did have SACD capabilities although that was not part of my audition. Some players did have SACD capability (including the Ayre) and some did not. The other manufacturers I compared were Levinson, NuForce, and Wadia.

If the Cary you auditioned "a few years ago" had SACD capabilities, it was not the 306/200. You must have had the CD 306 SACD, the predecessor to the current SACD Pro.

Regarding the difference between 303/300 and 306/200, I have heard both several times and just sold my 306/200 for the CD 306 SACD. I have heard the 303/300 in a setup very similar to mine (same speakers, tube pre). I don't think there is any significant difference between the two sonically. Something to consider is that the 306/200 has digital inputs so that it can be used as a DAC, while the 303/300 does not.
You must be correct.

I also wanted to state that I don't mean to trash Cary at all. All of the players I auditioned were very good. I have a lot of respect for Cary and they make excellent products. I just found CD players that I thought were better.