Krell FPB and cast versions

Hi Folks:

Are you really giving up much in the way of fidelity by owning an original series FPB (I am thinking of either the 300 or 600) versus the later cast editions? I don't want to own a Krell pre-amp at this point and I know that's the best cast connection. Any advice appreciated. I own the Thiel 7.2.



I have own Krell combos with the Thiels 3.6 and the CS7’s.
The only difference as you have mentioned between the Krell FPB and the Cast are the protocols between the connection. If you don’t have the cast chain then stick with the FPB. The FPB300 will be a nice combo for sure.
I was using a Hovland pre and moved up to a solid state from there with a 600cx now.
You won’t go wrong with the combo. Cables and setups are the major issues with making these things bright and brittle like many say about Krell. My Krell setup now is actually smoother sound that my ARC PRE POWER combo with all the control and resolution I can ask for. Go with some neutral sounding cables and they will work like a charm, Transparent Audio, Clarity Cable and so on…. Avoid the Synergistics Research and others that fall onto the other spectrum of preference.

In your case do try some tube preamps if you are concern by all means making sure their output levels match between one another so that you will acquire sufficient gain for the system.
Krell/Thiel IS NOT BRIGHT!!!

Chazbo what you smokin'? ;-)

Wrong plain wrong.

And 300i powering 2.3s, well duh, of course!

Where the heck does this stuff come from?
Thiels are revealing but the 7 series is not that "bright" Chazzbo. Krell is a great match for them.