I actually had to google Seven, @ezwind , to remind myself whether I had seen it or not. I’d have to say that I don’t think I’ve seen it. I did see Legends Of The Fall when it came out on VHS and initially I thought it was a pretty good movie, but I wouldn’t watch it again.
As far as The Road, I think that may have been the first Cormack McCarthy book I ever read (I never did see the movie) and McCarthy books seem generally dark to me with very little redemption for the characters. I enjoyed the movie No Country For Old Men more than the book actually, but this was because the movie followed the book almost to a ’T’ if I remember, including the great dialogue. Dark, and if anyone was waiting for everyone to live happily ever after, it didn’t happen.
As far as Brad Pitt, I know he played a serial killer in Kalifornia which I thought was an intriguing movie, but generally doesn’t he play confident nonchalant swaggering alpha males? Which I guess he played in his (three?) short appearances in The Counselor, but it was the lines that McCarthy wrote for that character and the way he delivered them that make me say he played his part perfectly.