Power Amp or DAC - weakest link, help please?

Hi all :)

I'm in one of those unenviable situations where I'd like to improve my sound but, I can only really afford to upgrade one component - my power amp or my DAC.

My system is a little laid back and I'd like it to be a bit more dynamic and kick-butt.


Meridian 800 V4 Transport

Meridian 861v8 AV Preamp/DAC (the DAC inside is the same as the 818v2 processor or 808v5 cd player, if these are more familiar to readers).

Amplifiers (I own the following): Anthem P2, Bryston 4BSST, Proceed BPA.  Noting my desire for musicality and less-warmth, of these, I probably prefer the Anthem the most in terms of its current tonal "match", with the rest of my my gear.

Speakers:  Audio Physic Tempo III (from the early 2000's).

Cabling:  Wireworld Platinum/Silver Eclipse.


Can people see an obvious weak link above?  

So I have the chance to buy Meridian's top DAC (Meridian Ultra) very cheap. 


I could find a better power amplifier.  Simaudio 5.3SE or W7RS are available used, not far from me.  A better Bryston, umm.. not so sure about - 4BSST above is good but, lacks musicality in my system and to my ears sounds quite dry and a bit sterile - would the bigger Brystons solve this ?  Pass I have never heard but I might be able to get a 150.8.  Or Krell FPB 200 but I have heard this can be quite rolled off in the treble? - last thing I want, if avoidable. I've heard the FPB600 is a killer but haven't seen one available in years.


As stated further above, I'd like my sound to be less laid back and a bit more kick-butt and in your face dynamic. 

Option #1 Meridian Ultra DAC above has a volume control so would remove my preamp from the equation - entirely.  Reviews of the Meridian Ultra DAC seem to say it is dynamic and lively, but it is expensive enough that if I bought this I could not afford anything else, no amp, nothing.

Or, is my existing DAC ok and, should I just blow my whole budget on a better power amp (examples above?)

From reading, I don't think my old Audio Physic speakers are difficult to drive.  So, is a bigger more powerful monster amp going to help me?  Or should I be more focussed on a different brand than what I currently own. (Used options listed above) - do I need quality rather than huge watts?

I've tried a lot of other highly regarded speakers in my system.  I still curiously love these old Audio Physic Tempo's the most, and keep sticking with them.  Thought about a pair of old Revel Studio I's available close by, to match with my Proceed/Levinson (same company) but lack of parts for Revel these days makes me worry about buying as they're still quite expensive - this aside, could these be a solution?

Thanks for any advice !







The Meridian gear is nice.  Are you able to audition the Ultra DAC?  That's the only way you're going to know if it gives you what you're looking for.  I suspect if you find the 861 too laid back, the Ultra likely will be similar.  I've never heard it mind you.

If the front end of your system (Source/Pre) isn't forward enough for your tastes, no amplifier will fix that.

I would caution with a dac upgrade until I would know if the procesor has a digital bypass mode meaning an analog signal stays analog which means connecting an external dac means you will be actually be hearing that dac


having sold Anthem and Bryston amplifiers we think you can gain more by upgrading your amplifier we would recomend two amplifiers coda .8or the zsto bia 200


the zesto bia 200 is an extrordinary tube amplifier



In my experience, the Bia 200 Select is the most mellifluous and realistic-sounding amplifier, tube or solid-state, currently produced anywhere within its power rating, and with only two output tubes per channel. It is an absolutely breakthrough design, fabulously flexible, and capable of maximizing current and NOS tubes for decades to come. As a Class A tetrode design, it never runs out of gas, and never disappoints the listener. It is more neutral and quieter than any amplifier with tubes made by anyone I’ve heard, and that would hold true for most solid-state designs that I know, too.

The Bia 200 Select is a wonder. It is well worth its not inconsiderable price. Most highly recommended by me, regardless of your predilection for tubes or solid-state. The Zesto Audio Bia 200 Select Stereo Amplifier is state of the art.



Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

zesto and coda dealers

previous Anthem and Bryston dealers also previously

Audio physic salesman



Great point audiotroy!  I forgot that the 861 digitizes all inputs.  You may want to consider a preamp that keeps the analog output of the DAC in the analog domain.

Thanks guys :). 

Unfortunately I don't have an ability to audition the Ultra DAC before purchase.

Neglected to advise my system is integrated home theatre/2ch, thus my (home theatre) Meridian 800v4 DVD/CD player and AV Pre/DAC.  The result being I'm kind of tied to these.  But:

I agree with your post above :  to avoid warmth my solution probably should be to just buy a completely different cd player.  Everything starting at the source..




The fear is that even if you change the CD player - the analog output will still get converted back to a digital signal before being converted back to an analog signal by the 861.  Even if you use the direct setting - I forgot what that was called when I had an 861- it still may alter the sound from your new CD player.  Definetly audition a few options to see if the change is worth the investment!