A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks

And I realize that there are those that don’t believe in either

Assuming you use a power conditioner and after market power cords, do you feel that the power cord from the power conditioner to the wall might be a limiting or even a negating factor to the performance of the after market power cords that run from the power conditioner to the gear?

The reason I ask is that I was about to embark upon some more experimentation with different power cords and where I plugged them into when I discovered that the aftermarket cords I had purchased before and some recent arrivals are actually a meter shorter than the ones that came with the gear. This doesn’t matter for the amp due to its location, but when I did my last power cord upgrade I ran my CDP and pre into a conditioner so the length for those didn’t matter either, but as I was doing the musical chairs with power cords thing today, I also was intending to run the CDP and pre straight into the wall on separate dedicated circuits, but I found out that I am a tad short on those two.

Which doesn’t preclude me from moving my dedicated circuit outlets up a couple of feet, and I suppose I probably will, but I was curious as to the opinions about the limitations of a power conditioners power cord.


 Sounds like you are leaning towards dedicated circuits.

@.knownothing , if I have been unable to make clear by now that I have dedicated circuits, I don't suppose that anything further I typed on that subject will clarify it.


@immatthewj I totally empathize. If it can make you feel any better, mine will entail spending a day in a spider-infested crawlspace with 18" clearance under the beams.

Yuk!  @devinplombier , my claustrophobia is kicking in just thinking about that.  Being buried alive is way up high on my list of ways that I do not want to die.  And just reading the word "crawlspace" makes me of John Gacy.


Honestly, before you go to too much trouble you might want to assess the worst load you’re ever likely to plug into your existing 12awg circuits, before you declare them inadequate. In my most humble opinion, unless you’re planning to biamp Apogee Scintillas with a quatuor of Krell KMA-800s you’re probably fine 

I am kind of leaning that way.  With the three circuits that I have there's a few ways to do it, which include having my amp all by itself.  It is a small room, and it is not like I am listening at earth moving dB levels.

Doesn’t this fall under the weakest link category?

@curiousjim , I am inclined to think that it might, but I am not positive about anything anymore.





Being buried alive is way up high on my list of ways that I do not want to die. And just reading the word "crawlspace" makes me of John Gacy.


Have you watched The Vanishing? The original Dutch version

Sorry for the off topic everyone 🙂

Have you watched The Vanishing? The original Dutch version

Sorry for the off topic everyone 🙂

No problems on the off topic, @devinplombier ; anyway I had to google to make sure I was thinking about the same movie, and the one I saw had Kiefer and Jeff Bridges (and since I wasn't as tuned to actors and actresses back then as I am now, I just realized Sandra Bullock, who I usually enjoy a lot).  So I am thinking that this is not the original Dutch version.  Anyway, I think I've only watched that movie once, but I do remember that it bothered me ('bothered me' is the best I can do at the moment) considering the notion of someone being put in a box and buried alive.   Man, that would be terrible.  I can only imagine the insanity that would precede death by hypoxia.  But I do not like to imagine it.  I typed that it was way up high on my list of ways I don't want to die, but thinking about it, it may be at the very top of that list.

I've seen a couple or so movies since that involve someone being buried alive in a box, and it never fails to get to me.  I almost cannot watch it.  

. . . since we are already off topic, I'll go on to say that whenever I work underneath one of my vehicles (which I do frequently) I do a real THOROUGH job of supporting it.  Going out that way is also high up on my list of ways not to, although I would prefer it to being buried alive in a box.  Thinking of working for an extended period of time in 18" of crawlspace made me think of that.  The crawlspace, however, would trigger my claustrophobia while being underneath a vehicle doesn't.