VAC doesn't reply to emails.

Anyone else had the same difficulty?

I had couple not really important questions, so I emailed Kevin, but there was no reply. A few weeks, and I sent messages from two email addresses.

I could call, but no need at the moment.

He used to reply within a few days.



Email has always been hit or miss there. Recently it’s more of a "miss". Shows, like the one going on right now in FL, are a lot of prep work and overtime for such a small company, and everyone there shares the burden.

I emailed last week asking about stock PCs for their amps and frankly, they should ignore that one (I didn’t realize the upcoming show at that time). I can always call later. If it's important enough - always call. 

Then there are ever-evolving spam / junk filters - this one hits me a lot, trading on that other site. I guess a good audiophile trading site with decent on-platform messaging can only exist in heaven (Facebook has good messaging but is rife with scams).


I see. Nothing appears to be wrong with the company.

My Avatar's SE volume control knob makes slight scratching noises, I don't know it is a wear or dirt or both. It doesn't bother me much and I am not going to ship the amp to VAC only for that.

Is the sound you're hearing because the volume knob is pushed in too far and scrapping the faceplate?  If so, loosen the set screw and pull the knob out just a smidgen, so it clears the faceplate completely.  This has happened to me several times.

No, it doesn't scrap the faceplate and it rotates very smoothly as it should.