$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?

My speakers are 25 years old, working fine for now, but who knows I might have to replace them at some point in the future.

The amp would be VAC Avatar SE 60 watt/ch all tube with onboard phono stage. Nottingham Analogue Spacedeck/Spacearm turntable and couple of tape decks.

I am thinking Proac maybe or whatever.

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Tektons (models with the array) have a unique type of sound, in some ways a hybrid of a horn and concentric driver type of sound perhaps....deserves to be in it’s own pocket like magnepans or electrostats or whatever.

For the guy who clicks with that type of sound, some others speakers may sound kinda lame. Hence, it has a following.

Their customer service as well tends to be better than most.

With hundreds of other loudspeaker choices why would anyone want to deal with Tekton? What are you trying to prove?

If we could go into the details, assuming the same Avatar amp, what difference would I hear between same level ProAc, Tannoy, DeVore, Sonus Faber and AudioPhysics ? Going from $3500 to $5000 might be a possibility but I must be sure it is worth it.

Yeah, I remember I didn't like the sound of old Sonus Faber for the reasons that ghdprentice stated. I also thought they were sort of primitive sounding but this might've been because of the electronics they were used with.

I thought that Dynaudio required a lot of power to sound best, they are usually used with powerful transistor amp, I heard.