A headache of choice over CD player

For a budget of between US$5,000 and 7,000, what would you choose of these options - Wadia 381, McIntosh MCD500, Ayre C-5xeMP and Esoteric X-03? Any other suggestions?

I play CDs 99% of the time, not SACD. Just two-channel.

I currently use a Bluenote Stibbert 2007 (improved) and am looking to it step up. I like a big, bold, punchy and transparent sound (if that's not asking for too much!).

I use a McIntosh C220 pre and MC402 power amp, driving Magnepan 1.6 speakers. All cabling, balanced, is MIT CVT Terminator 2.

I'm getting the Wadia home for a demo next week, and can also arrange for the Ayre. The Esoteric will be avaible for home demo next month. But not the McIntosh, which I have to buy "blind", although Mac owners assure me it is the right choice ... :)
I have owned the MCD500 since June of '09 and it amazes me to this day! Each and every time I play a CD or SACD!
Check out GamuT CD-3 newest production model if possible. I liked it better in my system than the ARC CD7.
I demoed a Mark Levinson No. 360 about six months ago and this player sounded very nice, warm and spacious with an analog naturalness that was easy on the ear. I would have purchased except it was out of my budget at the time. You might also consider one of these.
go hi rez get the alpha dac and server with amarra and call it a day welcome to the 21st century.
It ain't mine and it is a tad over budget but there is a Meridian 808-i2 in the used ads. I would say it is probably a notch above most anything.--Except maybe the 75k Scarlatti stack.