I have 2 cd players, which is better musically

I have a home theater system and a 2 channel. My 2 channel consists of:

Conrad Johnson MF 2100 amp, California Audio Labs DX-1 CD player, Acurus LS 11 preamp and a pair of 2Ce Vandersteen speakers.

Now I've been out of the audio scene for a while (as you can tell by my set up) and I'd like to purchas a new cd player - I think. Before I do I would like to swap out the DX-1 for my home theater setup which has a Denon 2910 to see if chaning the CD player is the right move or not. But its a difficult swap do due to the physical location and a major PIA, so if I choose to do the swap I just want it to be worth the effort. So basically is the DX-1 better or worse musically than the Denon 2910?
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Buy a Musical Fidelity V-DAC for $300 from Audio Advisor with 30 day return. I thought I was clear is saying that the general run of sound is WORSE in new players than old. Try the V-DAC with the digital output of your present deck. Use an RCA IC, not the optical. Before you buy anything you can't return swap the two players you have, your opinion is the only one that matters.
Only you can answer that question.

Listen to them both, which one sounds better?

Let your ears decide.

You are the one who will be listening, why ask a stranger
how your players sound? They will not be listening, you will.