New Jupiter Comet and VitaminQ Silver PIO Capacitors

Has anyone tried the Jupiter Comet and VitaminQ Silver PIO capacitors?

How do they compare to Duelund Silver Bypass capacitors?





Don’t be afraid to try a silver mica, I’ve tried a few and the best so far is the Charcroft silver micas and after a long burn in for a mica 200 plus there amazing especially compared for the cost I’d a Dueland silver bypass.

i currently have the Matsuzaki case type 0.0056 on order, the glass types are ok but so far the Charcroft for a fraction of a Dueland are amazing especially in your application and don’t get me wrong I love the Dueland silver bypass” I currently run 6 in diff. Places.

As far as Duelund goes, i prefer jupiter comet or vit Qsilver PIO, even given their cost as they sound more natural to me.  I do however like duelunds speaker crossover inductors, I replace a alphacore copper foil with a duelund recently in my first order series crossover for my big altec clone horns and , amazing sense of space , resolution ,  timing.. they are not THAT pricey either, littel bit more that twice the alpha cores.

The Duelunds speaker crossover inductors 1.5mH pair (for my Altec 604E n1500 crossover) will cost $750 WAX and $700 Cust. Not cheap. The Jantzen Wax Coil that I use now cost me just $150.

I use a Duelund silver bypass in the same crossover to bypass the 14uF capacitor. But I think Duelund silver has some little kind of brightness.

I like the Soviet silver mica SGM-3. They are really great.