Has anyone heard or tried the new Naim Dac?

I am really curious how well it will
preform with non-Naim transports or
the Wadia itransport.
Kbarkamian, when you hook up a dac or cd player to the Wadia iTransport via spdif, isn't it using the cd players dac or the dac itself even if using the iPod? I'm not exactly sure how the iTransport works, that's why I'm asking. Sandra
The Wadia i170 is licensed by Apple so that the data is taken in digital form from the ipod, (ie bypassing the ipod's DAC and headphone applifier)That way you can use an external and presumably higher grade DAC and amplifier.

THis is what is on Wadia's website:

The iTransport is the first ever component specifically designed to transform your iPod into a high-resolution audio/video media server. The iTransport combines the convenience of personal audio with the performance and connectivity of your home audio/video system, delivering bit-perfect digital audio signal via S/PDIF coaxial (RCA) output, DVD quality video via component outputs, and built on a sleek aluminum chassis.

When the iPod docks with iTransport, the iPod transforms into an audiophile-grade media server that rivals some of the top performing digital source components available. Experience the iTransport for yourself at a Wadia dealer nearest you.

Whatever you hook up to a DAC using a digital connection - CD player, DVD, etc., you're bypassing the DAC in that device and using the external DAC's DAC.

That sounds confusing. Maybe this way makes more sense (brand names are arbitrary)-

If you connect a Rega Apollo from its digital output to the Naim DAC's digital input, the DAC in the Apollo gets bypassed and the digital signal goes directly to the Naim DAC, which decodes it and turns it into analog music.

The iTransport extracts the digital stream from an iPod, bypassing the iPod's internal DAC. It basically acts just like the Apollo in my example. Very few products can access the iPod's digital stream - the iTransport, Naim DAC and Peachtree iDecco are the only ones I know of.

The Naim DAC can access the iPod's digital stream directly, without using the iTransport.

Hope that clarifies things!

Okay, first of all thanks for all the responses.

Smw30yahoocom can you tell us what was being used
as a transport. I am really curious because I also
have the DeVore super 8's. I would also love to
know how it sounds compares to the CDs3.
JR, Thanks for your reply, now I understand. Scott, I can't believe I didn't get the transport they were using but all the other equipment was Naim. I have never heard the DeVores before but I am a firm believer in matching the right equipment to each other and maybe this system would have sounded better with other equipment matching. I have heard the Naim cd players before (a long time ago) and never thought they were bright sounding, so I'm not sure what the problem was. I just didn't like the sound, I think it would have been very fatigueing after awhile. I can call the store and ask what they were using as a transport if you're really curious, I can't believe I didn't get that. Anyway, the Devore's were very pretty speakers and very detailed, they would probably sound better with a warmer system. I actually got on the Naim forum and some of the comments about the dac were the same as mine, some digitalitis from this dac. Sandra