Somebody Please Make This Already...

Imagine an interesting new product: Two sets of analog inputs (when I say sets, I mean each set has single-ended and also balanced), one volume attenuator that controls output synchronously BY WAY OF TWO SETS OF SYNCHRONIZED RESISTOR LADDERS (analog-domain attenuation, not digital) between the two sets of inputs, and then matched sets of outputs (again, both, single-ended and balanced). The entire device should be active, so that if you use single-ended input, it can still output a balanced, differential signal after the volume control, and on the output end there should be an option to combine L/R signals into a single signal (like an LFE output).

Even better yet, we should allow adjustable high-pass filter on the first set of in/outputs and an adjustable low-pass filter on the second set of in/outputs. Slope and frequency should both be adjustable. And of course both filters can be separately bypassed.

The unit should also have a single 12V trigger input and three 12V trigger outputs, and it should have a remote control that can control volume, filter slopes and filter frequencies.



The market is crying for a preamp with proper bass management. Straight through, HP out, Variable LP output, variable frequency and at least a couple HP/LP slopes. both balanced and unbalanced. Inputs and outputs. Throw in source switching, stereo/mono/l/r switching and a balance control, use some quality parts, and you're done. It's not that tough. 

Hello. I use a NAD C658 for a very similar purpose. NAD and MiniDSP have multiple products in this space. If I’m following you correctly.