@mylogic: To be perfectly honest, my original motive for the thread was to make a joke about the current head of the U.S. government, my choice of The Madness Of King George being made for the obvious reason. Plus I do actually like the movie. My mention of hi-fi’s being used to reproduce the sound of movies was done as a somewhat contrived and disingenuous rationale for the thread. It worked, ’cause the thread didn’t turn ugly, or get deleted.
That the thread turned into a discussion of movies/films in general is fine with me! I’m just glad it didn’t turn into a political argument, which was NOT my intent or desire. I see no point in those, as no one’s mind is ever changed by arguing, and lots of negative energy is created. Plus, this is an audio/hi-fi forum, not a political one. Yes, my original post had a political issue at it’s core, but at least it was offered in (hopefully) good humour. My model for political satire is Stephen Colbert, who very effectively mocks his intended targets.