any members in Montana

I am interested in an ad posted from the beautiful state of Montana, but the seller is is not an expert and cannot say much about the state of the amp. If there was a member nearby Whitefish, I would make it worth their while to look at it for me. Thank you!


Look, I know that disagreeing with someone far more articulate than one, and a much better writer to boot, is a bit of a fool’s errand but whatcha gonna do?

@immatthewj et al

I think your characterization of Yellowstone is biased and somewhat unfair. It has no pretense of being an accurate or sensitive portrayal of rural life, and the violence and body count and familial dysfunction are maybe a little bit exaggerated at times.

Yellowstone is a soap / drama that aims to entertain, and in my opinion it does that pretty well. Kind of like Succession, but with cows. Also, it marks perhaps the only time in Kevin Costner’s lengthy career that he could pass himself as a pretty good actor, and that’s something I guess.

Ah yes, the politics ruffled many a feather. But in fairness, at its heart the show is more old-school libertarian than anything else such as the sort that triggers a lot of folks these days. The broad Republican brush it was painted with wasn’t entirely fair, or accurate.

Yellowstone is not the Sopranos, or even Breaking Bad. It’s pulpy TV, and pretty good pulpy TV at that. The fact that it was the most-watched series in the US (despite being absolutely ignored by the media) goes to show that it was good at entertaining all kinds of folks in a very broad cross-section of modern America.


disagreeing with someone far more articulate than one, and a much better writer to boot, is a bit of a fool’s errand

Which is why in most cases I would never embarrass myself by daring to disagree with you on a public forum, @devinplombier , but

and the violence and body count and familial dysfunction are maybe a little bit exaggerated at times.

right there you completely lost me.

I’m a 3rd generation proud Montanan. Montana has been ruined by out of staters & the ignorance they bring with them. Montana’s infrastructure was not ready for the growth spurt & people moving here are bringing their problems with them. Every state has their own issues……Murders, suicides, drugs and so on & to hear people say durogatory comments about MT is really disheartening without truly knowing the demographics here. Montanans can no longer afford to live here, Property Tax’s have gone through the roof. It amazes me how Hollywood romanticizes my State, shows like Yellowstone have ruined MT. Tourism & Agriculture are some of the biggest draws and we are grateful but as they say in MT “Welcome to MT but please get the F**K out!”