any members in Montana

I am interested in an ad posted from the beautiful state of Montana, but the seller is is not an expert and cannot say much about the state of the amp. If there was a member nearby Whitefish, I would make it worth their while to look at it for me. Thank you!


I’m a 3rd generation proud Montanan. Montana has been ruined by out of staters & the ignorance they bring with them. Montana’s infrastructure was not ready for the growth spurt & people moving here are bringing their problems with them. Every state has their own issues……Murders, suicides, drugs and so on & to hear people say durogatory comments about MT is really disheartening without truly knowing the demographics here. Montanans can no longer afford to live here, Property Tax’s have gone through the roof. It amazes me how Hollywood romanticizes my State, shows like Yellowstone have ruined MT. Tourism & Agriculture are some of the biggest draws and we are grateful but as they say in MT “Welcome to MT but please get the F**K out!”

@audioslave1970 ,

The exact property tax levied depends on the county in Montana the property is located in. Missoula County collects the highest property tax in Montana, levying an average of $2,176.00 (0.93% of median home value) yearly in property taxes, while Wibaux County has the lowest property tax in the state, collecting an average tax of $505.00 (0.84% of median home value) per year.

Do you know how crazy low that is compared to other states??! Plus you have property tax assistance and property tax rebates. Sounds like a great gig to me.

I have been to Montana, what natural beauty! Question; Is there a grizzly bear tax?

I have been to Montana, what natural beauty! Question; Is there a grizzly bear tax?

Check with the cocaine bear on that one, @thecarpathian .

@immatthewj ,

I can't check with him, after that scathing movie came out I'm not allowed to hang out with him anymore.