@viridian The Purpleheart series of cartridges are probably the most famous of Kiseki., and are beautiful cartridges. I have always found it fascinating that us analog people find beauty in such a small component as a phono cartridge. Tables and tonearms have their distinctive appearance that we can appreciate, but the cartridge is so small in footprint and yet such effort goes into the aesthetics. For instance the Purple Heart is classic in looks, while my Black Heart is far more plain looking. The grain and finish are significantly coarser in comparison, but apparently it is made from the heartwood of an ebony tree.
Kiseki also built a couple of Agate series cartridges, and while I would be interested in hearing them, the stone bodies are not visually appealing to me. I would like to hear the earlier Blue Goldspot cartridges, but those are starting to climb in price compared to what they used to sell for. Of course I would snap up a Lapis Lazuli if one came available at a sane price. But I have never seen one for sale.
On the Kiseki page they say Dynavector was not the builder of their cartridges. They also offered a high output line under the name Miltek. It makes me wonder if Excel was the builder. Of course Sugano came from Supex, so it might have been them also. But it is all conjecture, and it surprises me that no one in our hobby has any kind of direct knowledge about the builder. I would think a retipper who has been into them would be able to identify the tells of construction to make an educated guess.