Danny Richie of GR Research describes and explains how he designs loudspeakers.


Actually, in the video below (posted on YouTube five days ago) Danny Richie answers the ten most asked questions sent or asked of him, how he designs loudspeakers being the last subject he addresses.

I've been watching Danny's videos for quite a few years now, and have learned a lot from them (and him). If you haven't watched any of his videos, I believe you will be very glad if you do so. This a good one to start with.






I liked the end where he explains how he designs his crossovers.  Very interesting to me.  


Agreed @grannyring. That's Danny's greatest field of expertise, and the most overlooked and undervalued in loudspeaker design (Richard Vandersteen and Siegfried Linkwitz being notable exceptions).


For those not wanting to watch the entire video, at least skip ahead to the end, where Danny will give you a free education in basic crossover design.


Thx for sharing !
i am in process of designing a tapered vented box and low pass for a TAD TL-1603 driver… always good to hear others perspectives / process and importantly priorities 

And yes, there is a LOT more to filter design than catalog shopping for boutique caps, etc…