More on XLR vs RCA considerations?

Have read much about the differences between balanced vs unbalanced circuitry and the interconnects that go with it. The consensus seems to be "mostly" in favor of balanced when it is available. There are at least a few who seem to prefer unbalanced. Perhaps if the circuitry (caps etc.) becomes equal between the two, there is not much advantage to XLR? Not sure, myself. I like to have the option even though I've never used it, just makes me feel good, knowing it's there if I ever decide to use it. Long wire runs seems to be the main reason. Are there others? I heard, lowers noise floor with higher gain. OK.

I've never seen a Conrad Johnson amp or preamp with XLR connections. Maybe they exist, don't know but I've never seen it. CJ is certainly respected in the high end audio world. I'm just curious as to why they would never build with balanced circuitry. Any thoughts on why not? I'm just curious.



Since my preamp and amp are single ended triode design, I can never use a balanced cable between them. 


I've never heard of a single ended triode preamp, but maybe that's just something else I've never known about until now?  @atmasphere ?  And why can't SET equipment be connected via balanced interconnects, @drbarney1 


Seems to me you are concerned/worried about a non-issue with connectivity.  RCA interconnects (single ended topology) have been a standard for 2 channel audio/hi-fi for a very long time. Actually, since the 1960's. The advantage of single ended topology is simplicity of the signal path. With short interconnects you have nothing to worry about, lengths between 1m - 5m in length should be fine.  Pick brands that are well regarded and recommended on this forum or other reputable reviews.  My interconnects are made with Mogami W2549 and sound great. Most separates will have provisions for both RCA & XLR connections, while others may be RCA only.

XLR interconnects are extremely convenient and preferred for specialty use, like home theater for connections between a Preamplifier-Processor (Pre-pro) and multichannel amplifiers. Very long interconnect cables may also benefit.

As pointed out by several forum members, XLR connections don't necessarily indicate that the device offers "balanced" topology that can offer some ascribed benefits. True balanced topology imposes twice the circuitry into the signal path. Many believe that abandoning single ended is not an advancement.

Just offering the above for what it is and not attempting to re-write audio history. 

Enjoy the music!


... XLR connections don't necessarily indicate that the device offers "balanced" topology that can offer some ascribed benefits ...

That's true.

True balanced topology imposes twice the circuitry into the signal path.

That is completely mistaken. Many truly balanced components use differential amplifiers, for example.