I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring

I’m looking for objective input because I’m not sure if I’m really OCD. 
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible.  Peter builds high quality equipment with nothing spared. I think we spend thousands on speaker cables and transport and everything that gets to the binding posts….. And then ? Internally it’s not so great. 
I’m considering re-wiring including binding posts to all Cardas ..

What are some thoughts.  


I replaced all my internal wiring with Duelund DCA oil cotton insulated wire in 10 awg for the bass drivers and 16 awg for everything else. I did this while I was upgrading the crossovers.

A dirty little secret is that almost evey speaker saves money on crossover components since they are inside and invisble. I’ve seen speakers that put their crossovers on the back under plexiglass to brag about how good their components were and they were merely mediocre. Most have plain old sand cast resistors like they used to sell in radioshack for 15c. This is a fertile ground for upgrade.

Those suggesting that you should call the OEM and ask should put yourself in the shoes of the OEM. Most will say it is not necessary as to say otherwise admits their product can be improved. Many will worry you’ll break something and then ask them to fix it since they approved the modification. YOu’ll almost always get a negative reply. which is good if you don’t really want to do it anyway

I got so many negative comments when I upgraded my crossovers that I think many people are just hoping crossover upgrades don't become a trend because then they will have to do it.


Peter is a great guy and I have a very good relationship with him and respect his build quality and craftsmanship. This is not an insult or point to a flaw. Only my own OCD and thinking it has to enhance the sound quality but is not essential to a speaker builder. I’ll call him and get his opinion and I know his honesty will be true.

@bobbyloans I didn't mean any negative toward him.  But he is a businessman and has to answer like the owner of a business, not like your buddy over having beers.

None taken but I’m curious… did the upgrade of wire enhance the sound in a positive way. I can only speak from my own thoughts and say… if everything matters why would we stop directly before the actual speakers themselves and say that should not matter as much? It’s the final point of contact before our ears

Hey, it can't hurt to contact the OEM and just ask what is worth changing out or replacing internally. Especially if the speakers have some age on them.  Who knows, there maybe some parts that he will say "swap x out for y" because y is a better part that wasn't available when the speakers were made.

But if you do make changes, you will invalidate the warranty (if it is still valid) and if you ever send it back to be fixed, they may refuse to work on them.  And document everything you do, take pictures and keep the old parts.