Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor

Hey GON members,

My review of the Tekton Design Monitor just was posted on the Stereo Times website. I made the Encore Monitor my 2024 budget speaker of the year. In the review I get into the details about the Encore's performance, which is superlative for a $3000 a pair of speakers, that retains the special quality of kick and aliveness in the Tekton Design house sound, but then adds a new sense of refinement in vivid tonality/timbres and overall musicality. Dare I say, a touch of the classic Sonus Faber charm back in the day when Franco Serblin still owned the company. Hope you enjoy the review and find it helpful in informing you about the Encore Monitor's performance. 

Post removed 

Hey fsonicsmith,

Since I believe in free speech I appreciate that you wrote your opinion on this thread. Of course, I totally disagree with your statements about me personally,  nobody had ever referred to me as "bird poop" before, but thanks anyways. Your assumption regarding my motivation is totally false. 

If you know my long history with AudioGon I started writing reviews for the forums for fun that members thought were helpful at informing them about different equipment they might want to try out in there systems. I consider this site my "home base" and for years have shared honest information, based on my personal taste which all reviews really are, on products that I find exciting and offer much for reasonable prices. Examples would be NSMT speakers, Coda, LTA, AricAudio, Pine Tree Audio,etc.

Many fellow members have been very kind towards my posts regarding how helpful they have been in allowing them to make decisions about different pieces of gear for their systems that lead to higher levels of enjoyment. I would not put you in this category! 

Have a nice day.   

@teajay ,


Nice review--I am not in the market for new speakers, but if I were, I would make note of these ones.


 I don't have anything to say about the speakers or the review except :  How is something that big called a monitor? Looks like a floor stander to me ....

Meyer bluehorns are considered monitors, not to mention big TAD pro monitors, etc. It has nothing to do with size.

I don't have anything to say about the speakers or the review except : How is something that big called a monitor? Looks like a floor stander to me ....