Many years ago I re-wired a pair of speakers with what I thought was better wire. I loved those speakers, but after re-wiring them they sounded sufficiently different that I was never happy with them and I ended up selling them. Not only did they sound worse, I was constantly second guessing whether this was the way they were intended to sound. I have always regretted what I did to those speakers and wish I still had them in their original form.
You say:
I have a beautiful pair for PBN M1!5 in a Black finish which I love and sound incredible.
If you love them and they sound incredible, why on earth would you want to modify them? It is hard enough in this endless obsessive pursuit that we all subject ourselves to, to find something we love. In that rare moment when you do, try not to kill it. Even if you succeed in making it sound "better", it will still sound different, and that itself will be enough to drive you crazy. If you have an itch to scratch, buy some exotic power cable but please leave the speakers alone.