Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days?

I think the problem of DAC for quality audio has been pretty much universally solved.  Not to say all DACs are equal, they aren’t, but do any that really matter these days not sound “good”?


I had a Bryston BDA-3, a great sounding DAC in my system. LUMIN U-1 streamer with upgraded power supply. Can not be beat for dollar value. Good luck finding one on the preowned market. I rate some equipment by looking for it on the preowned market. If it’s hard to find, there must be a reason why.

I now have an Aqua LaScala DAC. Wanted to get into the tube side of the hobby.

Would like to edit my post. Just checked on the preowned market and found several BDA-3’s for sale. Try it you’ll like it.


I’m not sure how far back you want to go, but I have the original Schiit Bifrost and it is pretty bad. 


I’ve sort of been looking at replacing my Denafrips Pontus ll and the La Scala is on my list, but with no dealer anywhere near me, I’ll probably have rely on the magazines, YouTube and Agon for reviews. I have definitely been smitten with the R2R sound, so Would you message me at tell me your thoughts on your La Scala?  Thanks in advance.


 Think the original Bifrost Multibit DAC came out in 2018 or 2019, I think.