Well worth the journey and as they say with motorcycles "$2 of gas is worth $2k in therapy".
Been playing this game since I got my first crystal radio (shaped like a cartoon rocket 4" tall). It was tuned by moving the nosecone antenna in and out and had the obligatory 2 cent ear piece. We're talkin' late 50s here.
I did the same thing as @biwire and collected speakers from thrown away TVs and music consoles. Built my first subwoofer at 14. Bought my first REAL stereo from Radio Shack at 16. My dad thought I was completely bonkers, whole thing cost $400. He was driving a car that cost very little more than that.
Fast forward a bit and I started to make real money and it was off to the races.
In the @ghdprentice mode of upgrading, it was a clean sweep, all new and exciting. Now I'm on my last/best system and it's not going anywhere.
With the past as prologue, the best constant in my life has been music. There is always some BS going on. But the music, the music is my synaptic drug of choice.
So, to answer your question directly: A RESOUNDING YES!