Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer

I have a pair of REL Ti9 subs in my dedicated listening room which is 12 x 17. I am looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that would pair well with the subs. Searching on my own and watching reviews has made a choice even worse. So many to choose from. I mostly listen to jazz and blues with some classic rock thrown in. I have a good SACD collection and several dsd files. There are no audiophile stores close to me.

Any input would be appreciated.


@oddiofyl ...I was just thinking about acoustic regards to the old AR-3a speakers.... still not the same as a passive, but closer to a defeated port...   🤷‍♂️🙄

My Magnepan LRS+ had a smaller footprint than my KEF LS50 + stands. The KEF is a bit more detailed and the LRS+ is a huge soundstage with depth. The LRS+ also have very little side wall interaction. You just need about 3 feet from the front wall. You also need some power from the amps.

I can also recommend the Studio Electric M4s, an excellent monitor-size standmount.

Depends on your preferences and budget.  I have a pair Revel M126Be standmounts that sound excellent with my pair of SVS SB1000 Pro subs.  They have a rear vent that can be plugged but I removed the plug.  I preferred them over KEF R3 Meta, B&W 705 S3 and SVS standmounts.