Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under?

As the title says, I am pondering my best options for purchasing a tube based preamp for $2k or under. Must have a remote! 


Your opinions, thoughts, and expertise would be greatly appreciated. If I was spending more, I would know most of the best choices, but I'm on unfamiliar ground at this price limit. But sometimes, you can only do what you can do. 

Thanks for any help. 


Great news! A friend put me in touch with someone who works for Roon. Turns out there is an uncommonly used way of using Roon to control volume, and he helped me set it up. All is now well with the preamp I purchased! 

Thanks again to all! 

Really?  Saw no mention of Manley Labs Jumbo Shrimp.  And yes, I owned one for some years running with Mahi Mahi mono blocks.  It was quite good and has a remote.  Best of luck in your search.

superchunk, I just saw the ad for your Triode Lab 2a3 power amp this morning, on Canuck Audio Mart. I was waiting for the pictures you said were coming, but decided not to wait, and I was replying to it, and ready to buy it, also suggested a pickup point midway between us, but when I tried to send it, it said you were not accepting replies. Next thing I know, the page updated and I learned it was sold. I am severely disappointed :(

But best of luck with your DIY efforts going forward.

Don't forget Joule Electra.  Jud is gone but Rich at Signature Sound can repair/upgrade as needed, but they are as reliable as tanks.  Used LA-150s rarely come up for sale but, given that the company is no longer in business, you can get used joule gear at steep discounts when it does come up.  I happily ran a 150 for years before upgrading to a LA-300, truly and end game preamp. 


The Joule gear is quite special.


I have a 150 in my closet.  If any interest, feel free to send me a message.