Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?

Is it the table, arm or cartridge, or perhaps phono stage? Assuming you have no clear weak links. Maybe even motor controller ?


I have been chasing more weight and scale for awhile. First, I went from belt drive to idler wheel and then to a good direct drive design. Then, I changed tonearms, which improved micro dynamics, but not weight and scale. Next, I experimented with vacuum tubes. Lately, it has been interconnects. Each of the above has made a positive difference. Cartridges have their individual sonic traits too. I am currently listening to an album with a Miyajima Zero which is awesome if you are looking for weight, scale, and presence with mono LP’s.

What Turntable? What Arm? What Cartridge? What Phono pre amp?

We need a little more info as to what your currently using.


Matt M

Building a system that gives you what YOU want out of the system is a long term project that results from first deciding what you like.  That means developing the capacity to hear in your subconscious the way you want to hear it. Then you try out different components, to include power cords and interconnects, that get you step by step to the sound that you are imagining.  No one can tell you in advance exactly what choices are going to get you where you want to go. There is no substitute for trial and error.  Once you get a semblance of your imagined goal, you still trade out bits and pieces for those last few percentiles of what it is you are after. So, in my opinion, no one can tell you where to start upgrading.  Do it yourself.