Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer

I have a pair of REL Ti9 subs in my dedicated listening room which is 12 x 17. I am looking for a pair of bookshelf speakers that would pair well with the subs. Searching on my own and watching reviews has made a choice even worse. So many to choose from. I mostly listen to jazz and blues with some classic rock thrown in. I have a good SACD collection and several dsd files. There are no audiophile stores close to me.

Any input would be appreciated.


Btw, a few of the posts mention the importance of having a good idea of what you want in terms of audio characteristics. Almost any bookshelf speaker pair you purchase above $1k is going to sound really good to you. Here is an example though of what I am talking about. Both the ATC and Fritz are excellent speakers. Because I was not looking for a full range HiFi stand mount speaker, but rather something that would be primarily focused and strong in mid-range presentation and accuracy, that is physically not too big to handle on stands, I chose the SCM7. Why? (1) It’s not reflex ported (easier to integrate with my subs that will handle the bass end). (2) I wanted a speaker to pump out mainly highs and mid-range, and not add bass to the bass from my subs whichthe sum total might just ’wooly-up the mids’ a bit. (3)The Fritz is indeed exceptional at mid range; no doubts about that; but I didn’t want more bass from the bookshelves. (4) Try lifting a 32 pound fairly sizable bookshelf vs a 15 pound small one, moving around on stands to position.

So, in this case it was about focusing on what I wanted and didn’t want in a bookshelf, even though both speakers are great choices. Who knows, I might like the Fritz sound better, but I chose the SCM7 with no regrets as it fit the criteria I was looking for. Either of these speakers are going to sound excellent, but one is going to satisfy you more than the other. Only you can tell. You can’t lose though because they are both superb speakers. This is just to point out though what a few folks have been mentioning about having some idea as to what is important to you. Consider talking with the tech support guys at TMR Audio. It’s an exceptional online source for a wide variety of really good speakers, both new and used. They may be able to help in your selection process, unless you want to DIY. That’s always good too. Enjoy your search.


Hey @m20j201, I know there are a ton of people over on AC willing to open their home for a listening session with these speakers, or other GR options. Depending on where you’re located, there’s probably someone within a couple hour drive to get a taste of their "house sound". Or you could head to W. Texas and go straight to the source. smiley

one more important item  to revisit is the amp power. Fritz will be easier to drive than ATC. It's a moot point though if your amp watts, current, internal power supply are on the high side. Always make sure you have enough juice for the squawker! :)

Excellent ATC recommendation! For those who might want a versatile speaker that can be placed on a bookshelf, or stand mounted near or far from the wall, look at the EPOS ES-7N - another speaker with '7' in the model name. Lots of great reviews and youtube comparisons on this speaker. Designed by Karl Heinz Fink.

Taron, of "A British Audiophile" YT reviews has recently selected the Alta Alyssa as his reference standmount over his previous ProAcs. 

I can think of several small passive speakers that are excellent in 2.1 systems: the Amphion Argon 3S, the Studio Electric M4 and the Vandersteen VLR CT. For actives, the  Buchardt A500 Signatures are excellent.